Thursday, September 10, 2009

Chapter One

Hello, Seniors!!  Welcome to your class blog, I hope you like it!  This is a place we will all go every week to talk about some of the important issues we discussed in class, OR talk about something completely different but equally important.
Remember that once you post your comment, you become a published author so all of your writing should be the best it can be--no typos and no "text-speak" (lol, lmao, wtf etc). 
Each week, I will post a question--it will NEVER be the type of question that asks something like: "who said what to who, when and where?"  because, quite frankly...WHO CARES??
It will be more along the lines of something that prompts you to think deeply about yourself, about the world around you and about your place in it.
Are you ready?  Here we go...

It is finally here--your SENIOR YEAR!!  You have waited three very long years to get to this moment.  But, before we move forward, let's look back a little bit.  Allllllll the way back to when you were just a baby freshie.  How were you different then?  Includes differences in physical appearance, intelligence, emotions, opinions and ideas.  What was the most important thing you learned about yourself during the course of your freshmen, sophomore and junior years? 
Answer ALL questions as completely and with as much detail as you can.  Good Luck!
(300 words/25pts)