Thursday, September 10, 2009

Chapter One

Hello, Seniors!!  Welcome to your class blog, I hope you like it!  This is a place we will all go every week to talk about some of the important issues we discussed in class, OR talk about something completely different but equally important.
Remember that once you post your comment, you become a published author so all of your writing should be the best it can be--no typos and no "text-speak" (lol, lmao, wtf etc). 
Each week, I will post a question--it will NEVER be the type of question that asks something like: "who said what to who, when and where?"  because, quite frankly...WHO CARES??
It will be more along the lines of something that prompts you to think deeply about yourself, about the world around you and about your place in it.
Are you ready?  Here we go...

It is finally here--your SENIOR YEAR!!  You have waited three very long years to get to this moment.  But, before we move forward, let's look back a little bit.  Allllllll the way back to when you were just a baby freshie.  How were you different then?  Includes differences in physical appearance, intelligence, emotions, opinions and ideas.  What was the most important thing you learned about yourself during the course of your freshmen, sophomore and junior years? 
Answer ALL questions as completely and with as much detail as you can.  Good Luck!
(300 words/25pts)


  1. ha well let me see freshman year i was alot chubbier,i realy didnt try to do any of my work
    sophmore year started to lose wieght,junior year i started to gain muscle and throughout those years i gained more knowlegde throughout those years well my opinions havent realy changed any and everything can end up good or bad, thats my outlook on tht,well just anger and sorrow are mostly the emotions ive had throughout highschool

  2. Well when I was a freshie it was like a little person coming into a whole different place where I didn't know what to do how to do things who to be friends with or anything. Yea my older brother told me be careful with who your friends with and do good in school you will have your fun when you get out of high school try to get a job fast so you can but a car all that good stuff. Well I guess I didnt listen to him very well. I had some bad friends I went out with a boy that i thought was a good guy well no he just made up alot of stories about me that were lies. He got me into alot of trouble got my parents to not trust me it was the worst thing I ever did. Not only that i didn't do all sooo good in school and now I'm a senior and I'm paying for it now I'm supposed to have fun this year well I kinda am but I smack my self everyday because of all the bad stuff I did. I looked so ugly my freshman year I finally got pretty when I started my junior year. My junior year i started to really understand who I was and what I wanted to do with myself and who my true friends were stopped getting into trouble. That year I finally grew up. Now I'm starting to restart my life again trying to fix what I did wrong and and make sure I never do that again. Well at the end my brother was really right about everything now I listen to him all the time and I go to him for everything.

  3. well i was alot skinner and i was barely here i hated school and through out my year my sophmore and jr. years i began to realize that i need school to get places in life and as far as emoti0onally well i was a reck and we all know y.... hmmmm

  4. Freshman year seems like yesterday even though its been three years. I have grown dramatically in many ways. I looked and acted like a child back then. I still have a little kid in me though. It brings back a lot of memories.
    Thinkin all the way back I think I sort of look the same. I just look like a bigger kid. The only change of apperance I see is that I now have facial hair and I have gotton a little taller. That is nothing special in my book. I have also learned many things through high school. I have did some dumb things when I was younger. I really dont think those things are quite appropriate for this writing to tell you the truth. Now that it is almost over my opionions on many things especially life has changed.

  5. Freshmen year I was in Buena Regional High School. It was a huge step in my life from going to Dr. J.P. Cleary Middle School. Walking up to the front doors of the High School I was a little scared. My friends Randy, Joe, Nick were right beside me when we walked through into our High School Careers. Today I’m 5’ 11’’ roughly 220 pounds, much more intelligent, happy more then ever, have a decent outlook on my life, and more laid back. Freshmen year I was 5’ 8’’, still 220 pounds and scared.
    Learning my way around the school was a problem since the Middle School was much smaller. Having to deal with a group of people pushing you back while you tried to get to class. Also having juniors and senior sending you the wrong way to class. Sophomore year was better then my freshmen year. Now knowing the way around the school and having a good connection with the teachers. I have decided to join a club.

  6. When I was a freshman I was a very different person. Freshman year felt like a fresh start. I felt like school was different from all the other years that I have gone. There was a lot more freedom and a lot of new people that I never met before. To all the upper classmen I just was another annoying freshman. I was young and not very mature yet. As sophmore year came around, school started to become not as fun as i thought it was goin to be. [didnt finish]

  7. well when i was a baby freshie i was fat and probably the funniest guy everrrr. i use to do all kinds of stupid things because i didn't realy care i was in high school and i just spent my time trying to impress people by making them laugh all the time. every year after that i spent everyday lifting and going to football practice. during that time i met my two best friends Jordan Colbert and Timothy Williams.
    i learned in this time that i can be the funny guy and still do what i need to do in school and not get in trouble

  8. I have changed a lot from freshmen to a senior. One way I have changed is I grow up a lot. And another reason I have changed is I got smarter as I grow up. Also I have got a lot more responsibly now then I did. I have learned a lot over my high school career like school is important. And I also have matured and I have my license so know I am a lot safer. Also as I have grown up I learned money is important so now I need to work for money. And bills also play a big part in my life cause with out it I would not have a car or a cell phone but I feel in my opinion as a freshmen I was a lot more shy and didn’t really care about school, money, friends as I do now I really have changed a lot from a freshmen to a senior.

  9. High School is a step in your life where you leave childish habits for the grade school kids, or at least that's what’s supposed to happen. I remember my eighth grade summer preparing for high school. I didn’t really think anything of it, it’s just another year doesn’t matter what you call it. Of course I was a little intimidated; luckily my older sister was a sophomore. I was also on the tennis team and had befriended those cute football players that practiced right by the tennis courts.

    I’ve always been the same height, everyone who was a midget back then are taller than me now. I’ve matured though. I learned a lot from my freshman year, the year that I found my first love which later became my first heartbreak. Freshman year was the best in my opinion. The bond I had with my sister was so tight; everyone said they despised their younger siblings. Not us, my sister was proud to claim me, we were always together and I liked it that way.

    However, my grades were a bit neglected, who am I kidding? VERY neglected. I was so busy with sports and my social life that school matters were no longer my first priority. By the end of my 9th grade year I had failed Algebra and English.

    I quickly got back on track the following years and abandoned the idea of slacking. I’ve grown to know that you learn from experience. That people change, and friends leave. I met the most important people to my life in High School they’ve earned my trust but also lost it. It’s all made me stronger and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I know that the day I graduate I will not only leave with a diploma, but also with a life lesson that has molded me into the young woman I am today.

  10. Wow, Back when i was a freshmen i was so different then who I am now. I was about two inches shorter with longer hair. I still carried my baby look appearance (said the seniors at that time) I was very insecure about everything. I wasn’t my own person yet. I was mean because I was always so angry, I was angry because I had boyfriend issues ... arguments that would last days at a time and would set my mood for the next week. I pushed friends away and I made my self a outcast. School was barely something I thought about .I wanted to drop out all together. I didn’t see a future and I really didn’t care. I all I wanted was to survive and prayed things would be better for tomorrow because, I couldn’t see my future.
    As for sophomore year things started to get better. My boyfriend was still an issue but, I was a little happier. I started making new friends and getting my old ones back. I started looking into college and wanting to play a sport. As far as my appearance goes I wasn’t really a girly girl I was sportier and I liked it. Guys still paid me no attention and it got to me (a little) but I got over it. I became sick in my sophomore year I spent 1months home and 2months in the hospital off and on. I fell way behind and wasn’t sure I was going to be able to catch up. I was looking at being retained that year. Finally when I did come back I put my heads to the books and passed every class. Every night was hard because I was in pain everyday all day. But I made it.
    Junior year! I was more my own person now. I knew what I wanted and how it should be done. I was boyfriend-less and everything about me had changed I was now taller I had braces. Personality wise I was no longer so angry I was calm, cool, and collected. School started out right off the back HARD they (teachers) knocked into our head about how important this year is. HESPA was all everyone talked about. College choices were starting to become clearer. I started working …. Learning how to juggle school and work was something I really had to learn how to handle. It was then I realized I was growing up.
    Here it is senior year truthfully; it is anything like I thought it would be its pretty boring. I am a young lady now and I no longer have braces. Guys pay attention to me now but, they are the least of my worries which means I am boyfriend less but it okay because I got school volleyball and work. I learned how to manage a sport, work and school which isn’t easy. All I really can say is that I am seriously almost done. I feel like a young adult more and more every day. It is exciting .

  11. So lets back it up to 8th grade shall we?
    Moving from EHT to bridgeton was rough! A culture shock in some ways. i got picked on alot.
    I guess u cud say i was coming out of an interesting "punk" phase. Its pretty funny when i think abt it now. From the land of parachute bondage pants and My Chemical Romance, i managed to graduate from 8th grade a week early without even going to my own graduation. By the time school started at oakcrest i cudnt wait, because it meant moving out of brigeton.
    When i finally started, just the idea of high school made me feel like i had arrived. Only problem was, i knew a total of one person in the whole skool, so she wasnt much help in trying to adjust.
    Then i met maria.
    She was new too, straight from florida. We had two classes together, she asked me what my name was, an we've been best friends ever since.
    That was my "spanish" phase, considering ALL my friends were spanish, i listened to Daddy Yankee & RBD like everyday.
    Thinking bac, im glad i had someone like her to help me keep my head on straight, things were going pretty fast for me. Abt a month after school started, i had my very first boyfriend. He was a senior, and i knew he was too old, but i thought i was cool and cud handle it all. I'm glad i had a friend. i remember wanting to shed my "image" for lack of a better word, an i tried out for cheerleading.
    In EHT, the work is pretty intense and most teachers talk to you like your 40, so i had a VERY large vocabulary, now it seems my vocab consist of the same few words, reused every 2hrs.
    Sophmore year, was the worst.
    I moved back to EHT to care for my sick grandmother. When i got there, i found out in a hurry that 2yrs is a long time to be away. But i had my best friend of 5 1/2yrs to show me the ropes. It really surprised me how much EVERYONE had changed, coming back it seemed as most of the girls and guys i used to chill with were gay, or lesbian...or pregnant...or in jail... or had past away. I found out my old neighbor was killed in a car crash the year before. With all the change, i did what was familiar; cheerleading.
    Not even a month later and Courtneys new best friend and i were fighting, an courtney chose her. My grandma died 2days before courtneys bday. I remember wanting to tell her but pride got in the way.
    I failed 3 classes that year.
    My "Kristianna" phase finally began during sophmore year. I listened to alot of 80's and Alternative-indie stuff.
    I was really happy for junior to start at oak, until it actually started. My "crazy makeup" phase, it was alot of fun, i was flattered many times wen i wud see i girl in the hallway with makeup done like mine, or just complimenting me. I even was sure to request 4 classes that my best friend had so we cud hangout. But I spent most of my time trying to rebuild friendships that had been lost, some were successful, more are STILL lost. My best friend had plenty of new best friends tho, and i thought to myself "not again". Lets just say, me and my best friend had a real Dr.Phil type of summer.But everythings fine now. This is the year i turned to The Beatles, the best musical move ive ever made.
    As a senior, looking through the years, im having one too many " what was i thinking?!" moments. But i guess honestly i was just LIVING. Everything ive gone through was obliviously necessary or i wudnt be who i am now. Friends have given me alot of grief but i guess thats how you find out which are really your friends. As far as my ipod goes, nothing ever gets deleted,i still listen to everything. overall Im looking foward to a great year.

  12. Freshman year seems like yesterday even though it’s been three years. I have grown dramatically in many ways. I looked and acted like a child back then. I still have a little kid in me though. I think I will always be a big kid inside and actually I love it that way. These last three years brings back a lot of good and bad memories.
    Thinking all the way back I think I sort of looked the same. I just look like a bigger kid now. The only change of appearance I see is that I now have facial hair and I have gotten a little taller. That is nothing special in my book. I have also learned many life based things throughout high school. I have done some dumb things when I was younger. I really don’t think those things are quite appropriate for this writing to tell you the truth. Now that it is almost over my opinions on many things especially life has changed.
    My freshmen year man that was awhile back I really didn’t have any concerns on life. I was just living and loving life. You all know what I mean when you don’t have to buy anything because your parents get everything and all you do is go to school and the mall on the weekends. Towards the end of freshman year I learned my life goes on even if I have to let people go. My sophomore year was just about the same I just grew a little more. I wanted more material like things. I found out you have to work really hard for these things. Pretty much my sophomore year I learned life is not a joke and I have to work really hard to succeed. That had to be one of the most important things I have ever learned in my life. One year back was my junior year and boy was it the worst. I felt like pressure was weighing down on me. Everyone around me just kept dropping like flies. First my great grandmother died. Then it was my little cousin. After that my uncle died. Finally the one that hit me the most was my dad. My junior year I learned I wont be here forever but while I’m here I should make the best of it. My main goal is to make something of myself and live my life the way I always wanted to and that is to just enjoy every bit of it.

  13. Well…. First off I was immature and was in a lot of drama and started drama. I was loud, bad, disrespectful, & I didn’t have any class ! my physical appearance I dressed just like everyone else I didn’t have my own style, my intelligence I just didn’t care about school at all because I was so hard headed so my grades sucked and that’s what messed me up in the long run, my emotions I was selfish and didn’t care about nobody but myself I wasn’t a nice person at all I never was happy unless I was being bad. I’ve learned to stay out of business that’s not mine, to keep to myself and grow up !
