Monday, October 26, 2009

Chapter Two

We voted in class today on which book we would read next, and the majority chose What Happened to Lani Garver by Carol Plum-Ucci.  It is a good book; the setting is, again, a high school very similar to ours, and the situations and kids we meet in the story will all remind of us of someone we know. 
Before we begin reading, I would like you to consider a few things, and then talk about them here. 
They may or may not be easy things to admit, to even think about, but I would like you to be as honest as your conscience will allow.

What is the worst thing you have ever said to someone?  What prompted you to say it?  What were the circumstances surrounding the incident?  Are you sorry? Does anyone else know about it?
How would you feel if someone said the same thing to you?  If you knew that the things you say had a long-term effect on the people you say them to, would you still say them?  How do you feel when you hurt someone's feelings with words?  Many questions here, be sure to answer ALL of them!
(350words/45 pts)


  1. The worst thing I ever said to someone is they are worthless. I was to prompted to say that awful word because I was young and dumb I look back to me saying that and I really cant vision me say it. I felt really bad when I said it then and I still feel bad. I am very sorry that I said that awful word. And I still cant realize the harm I have done to that kid. Thank god no one knows about it. I don’t know what I would do if someone told me that they heard that I would be shocked and feel just like that kid the day I said that. F someone would have sad that to me I would feel so worthless that I wouldn’t even come out of the house and I don’t now how that kid just brushed it off and walked away. I would never say that now but if I knew back then it had a long term effect then I wouldn’t even think twice about saying that. I feel terrible and I wouldn’t ever do it again cause saying hurtful words just makes you a smaller person. If I could see that person again I would say sorry over a hundred times. Also if I could see myself before that day I said that awful word I would tell listen why are you going to belittle someone and either way you handle that confirmation you will still learn the same life lesson, and the life lesson I have learned is if you talk done or make a person feel less of a person the less of a person you will be. so with this all said i feel dumb know that i am older and wiser but i dont regret me calling someone a bad name as much as i would regret calling someone a bad name know that i am older an wiser because older and a bully and i am not a bully.

  2. I think the meanest thing i ever said to someone is "If there was a better word for hate that how i feel towards you" . Im not proud of this but its how i felt at the time . I hate no one or at least i try not to . The person did me wrong and i wanted him to feel some kinda pain to . I wanted to make him like i felt . Worthless . Im not proud of what i said but, im not saying sorry either . It has no long term effect on him he didnt care . If someone said this to me i would be hurt depending on the person would be how i would react . People know of the person i sai this too but i rather not talk about what happened or why . im just glad its over .

  3. The worst thing i believed i called another human being was a B****!! The situation sparked from her making inappropriate comments to a friend of mine. You may ask yourself why did i call her that name if i had nothing to do with the situation. Well the story gets better. For about a week the arguing and bickering(i think i spelt that right)did not cease and i began to get fed up with them going back and forth. So i commented on their situation and the girl went off on me. All because i suggested they stop the childish bullcrap. Thats when all hell broke lose and she called me the "N" word which rhymes with "jigga" and who ever knows me knows that i do not come out my mouth to call a female a B-word because i respect them to much. This occurred 6th grade year and til this day im still ashamed. I think i hurt myself more when i hurt some else feelings because i feel guilty inside. If someone ever called me a B-word it wouldn't hurt me. But thats just me!!!!

  4. The worst thing I probably said to someone is to leave me leave me alone and never talk to me again. It is only to the people who do not know me and out of nowhere they think you are their best friend. At first its ok meeting some one knew. Then you just want some time to yourself and you just cannot say “Hey dude can you leave.” Then they will just take it the wrong way. Then the day comes were you just cannot take it and you lose it. It is always when people are around but you do not acknowledge there until you gain control of yourself. I am sorry for what I said, I am not that kind of person but everyone has their limits and some people cannot take a hint. Probably the people around when I exploded in a ball of rage and furry. I would be hurt just the same but if someone was walking away or did not want me around I can take a hint. I would move out of there way and continue on with my life. If I knew the effects would be long term then I probably would not say it. Again when you pushed to the limit, nothing else matters to you but what your focus on. I feel like insert inappropriate word here, its not a good feeling knowing that you have hurt someone mentally. They will feel like (S#!*) for awhile and they might spiral into a deep depression. No might not pick up on the depression and then that can lead to suicide.

  5. Well it’s been a long time since I said anything real ignorant to someone. I’m not going to lie I used to do it all the time. Now that I think of this happened my junior year. I really liked this girl but she just always found some way to get on my nerves. It really takes a lot to get me mad. I’m not an angry person I like being happy but I don’t know what it was about her. She was demanding and strict. Like she wanted me to do what she said and when and sometimes she would just be loud for no reason. Anyway I told her she was the scum of the earth and I rather eat a glass sandwich then to make her happy for one day. That might seem a little corny but I was making all these jokes in front of my friends. I told her it because she kept being loud ova the phone but she kept doing it and kept trying to get smart with me and I just snapped on her telling her how much I hate her. Then I just started to make jokes about her. I just hate when people try to act out especially when I’m around my friends. It was real stupid but it was just the straw that broke the camels back if you want to say that. I wouldn’t really say I’m sorry. I am sorry for saying all those jokes and trying to be funny in front of my friends. After I thought about it that was sort of childish. Anyway many people know about it like the people I hang with in Vineland and some people from Glassboro. If I’m not mistaken my brother knows too. If the things I say have a long term affect to them I might still say it depending on how bad they get on my nerves. It would really take a lot to do that though. She just happens to get me there. After things happen and I think about them I always know that there’s something’s I shouldn’t have said but its like a blackout when I get that angry. I just say anything that’s on my mind. I think I have gotten a lot better with words and know how to handle things better.

  6. It has been a while since i have been mean to someone. i had one time when i was young when i madesomeone upset. i was in the 6th grade and like every other yar all my friends that lived around me were on my bus. we were all goin thru a phase that we were being racists. we werent really bein racists. its just we were watchin things on tv and thoguht it was cool. so we ere on the bus one day and their was the same black kid on our and we always said racists remarks to him but he never said anything or cared. so one day someone overheard and went to the principal about what they heard. one by one we got called into the principals office and got 2 days suspension. Now that i look back to it, it was realy stupd and idk why i woud do that to fit in. i guess you can say i was young and stupid. Once we got in trouble everyone found out. If someone said that to me i wouldnt really let it bother me unless it started to go to farther. if i knew it bother people for a long time i wouldnt have said it. when i hurt someones feelings with words i feel bad once i start to look back on what i said. If i didnt hangout with that group of kids i wouldnt have done any of that.

  7. The worse thing I ever said to someone is your a f***ing worthless b**** and I wish I never meet you. That person seemed to just be ruining my life and I was really angry and fed up with all they put me through. I am not sorry about saying it but I realize that I learned a lot from all the incidents I was put through because of that person. No one else knows about me cutting her from my life and me saying that to her and I preferably like it that way theirs less drama. If the same thing was said to I would think why they said that to me and if I hurt them I wouldn't take it to offense because I would have deserved it. yes I would still say some thing like that to someone even if it effected them in the long run because in my eyes some people need to be thought a lesson. If they deserve to be hurt than I don't feel any sympathy for them.

  8. I’ve always had trouble with thinking before I speak. I mean I don’t make it a habit to hurt people’s feelings, and if I do it was completely unintentionally. I guess people just over react when it’s a minor situation. Like one day I was talking to this guy I was interested in on the phone. We always play around and call each other names, but we know its just a joke. However, one day the conversation wasn’t as intriguing as it usually is. There were awkward silences, and I blurted “You are sooo boring”. Apparently he took that offensively and made a huge deal out of it. I said it because the conversation was going down hill, or he was distracted by something other than paying attention to me. I didn’t think he’d react in such a way. I immediately apologized after acknowledging his reaction, something I’m always quick to do. He didn’t even accept my apology, that’s how usually an argument starts between us. I had to explain that it was only a joke. To be rather realistic he was acting like a female, but I didn’t want him to stay mad at me so I kept it to myself. I know if someone mentioned that I was “soo boring” I’d probably act like I’m upset so the other person could feel bad, but it wouldn’t even phase me. However, if I knew that it would effect them in the long run, I’d definitely think wisely before I open my mouth to hurt them.
    When I hurt someone with my words, I feel like I belittle them. I try not to, many things in life had lead me to realize that it hurts when someone speaks to me in a such a demeaning way.
