Sunday, January 31, 2010

"This I Believe"

NPR, a.k.a National Public Radio, has a segement on once a week called "This I Believe." It's a really good show that began almost 50 years ago and was brought back because of overwhelming demand. Basically what it is is simply important and prolific people speaking for a brief time about their most deeply-held beliefs. I am going to post a link to it on the blog, and this month you are going to do an assignment related to one of the podcasts from the show. To that end, this week's blog question will prepare you to think about it. So, onward and upward.

Have you ever thought about what the guiding principles in your life are? By guiding principles I simply mean the things in life that you truly and fundamentally believe; the beliefs that shape your decisions when you find yourself in a position where you have to make one. Perhaps it is the notion that "everyone, no matter how seemingly insignificant, has something to teach us" or something as common as the idea that "all men are created equal and are endowed with certain inalienable rights...among, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" or "treat others the way that you wish to be treated" or "blood is thicker than water."

Those are just some generic examples, but your challenge this week is explore some of your own core beliefs and choose one guiding principle that you would like to shape your journey into adulthood and throughout life. Don't get caught up in tired cliches or age-old aphorisms, be creative, be yourself. What I mean is, really think about the beliefs that you hold near and dear to your heart and try to capture them in your own words. Talk about why these beliefs are important to you and how you came to recognize them. (400-450 words/75pts)


  1. yes i have thought about guiding principles in my life they are work hard andd do my best. do not steal. and show the up most respect to everone. because if i show respect ill most likely recieve it back.if i work hard ill get better accomplishments in my life. i also feel that everone teaches us and no one teaches us nothing. i also feel that no other human should have more rights than another human like were on this planet why should goverment be able to controll us? also another guiding is work hard play hard because if i work hard in the future i can play hard with out working hard.

  2. Giving a chance to think of my guiding principles I think of something is out there. It is the age old question, “Where did we come from?” to that I can only think of a few things one is evolution and the other is we just appeared out of nowhere. In earlier posts I have talked about a “default” something that we have been given from the beginning to start us on the road of life. You can think of the “default” as a brick to a house, as time passes more bricks are added and with that when the building is torn down those brick that remained will always be there. Decisions in life can better you or hurt you greatly; wrong place at the wrong time is a classic one. I have been in the wrong place in the wrong time and I paid a huge price for it. Back to my beliefs, yes I do think that we were put here for something just by looking around us. Look at animals how they know how to hunt, migrate, etc. They did not go a school to learn that and some people say it was instinct I think it is someone or something behind it all pulling the strings. I believe in this because to me their seems like nothing else would be there. My brother claims to be an atheist but I know he is not he believes in the same thing I do. I have even seen some of the other religions out there and they do not seem to make sense to me. Yes you can argue with me that “Hey, you only been raised this way.” And yeah that is true be if I did not believe in it you think I would have just moved on. Religion is a choice, not a life style, people can grow up and change and that is how we evolve and develop more of a grasp on what are we and what we are doing here.

  3. alright so if im answering this question correctly one of the guiding principals that i follow would be "treat others the way that you want to be treated". i realy like this and it means something to me because i treat everybody with respect and i expect the same back. i also treat others the way they treat me if you dont treat me in a respectful or kind manner im going to give you the same treatment you give me. i follow this because i feel that if you give everyone respect they will respect you and you never know when your gonna need somebodys help or advice and if your nice to them then there gonna help you because they are going to be like this person was always kind to me and never did anything wrong so they will be more then glad to help you and that's pretty much all i got.

  4. The guiding principals in my life are very important. It is something that will never leave me. I never thought I would
    have to explain it though. These principles run my life and keeps it in order. Like I believe the saying respect others and
    you will get respect back. I believe it because it has happened all throughout my life. I never really disrespected someone to
    the point that they didnt like me or show me disrespect. Like I show everyone a decent amount of respect that each individual
    deserves. For that reason and for that reason only is why I have so many friends and there is basically no one that hates me or
    disrespects me. That is one reason I really love my life. Another thing I go by is I know whats wrong in a relationship if I dont
    want it to happen to my mom. Like I know how to treat women and if I was thinking about doing something I would know if its
    wrong by picturing my mom in the situation. That really comes back to knowing how to treat people. One last guideline for me is
    be aware be prepared and be responsible. It is really imporant and shows a lot about my character. It means always be aware of
    your surroundings and be aware of what your doing at all times.It also means be prepared for whats next and for all mistakes. We
    all make mistakes but it matters how big your mistake is and if your aware prepaired and responsible most of your mistakes will be
    small. Last but not least is be responsible. It means always do what you have to do so you can do what you want to do later. Also
    means if you are going to make a bad decision make sure you know the concequences and take the responsibilty of what your going to
    do wrong. Its all really basic but my life is really basic and thats all I'll ever need to keep me in line.

  5. my guiding principals is BE HAPPY simple right. i have always thought that you can do whatever you want as long as your happy. to me it dosnt matter if your a doctor or a janitor if it makes you happy then go for it. And i dont think people should care what other poeple think because if at the end of the day your doing something or are involved in something you dont like then who is it going to effect not the people talking s*** about you but you will end up mad at yourself. Why not be happy when it is so easy to be happy. When i say happy i dont mean like a chearleader jumping up and down but to never be dissapointed in yourself or feel unsatisfied with your actions in this world, then again we are only in this worl for a bit and i think we should enjoy it. not like go to partys and bug out but BE YOU and be happy for being you.

  6. I do Have guiding principals and I believe they are very important to my life now and in the future.
    I am respectful to everyone even if they don't respect me.
    I try to be as helpful as I can to everyone and anyone who needs it.
    I always think before I act especially if theirs consequences for my actions.
    I always work hard and try my best with what I have.
    I have responsibilities and I keep to them.
    I look at all the unfortunate people in the world and I realize I want to better than that. I want to further myself than just satisfactory.
    I stick up for myself at the right moments.
    I take care of myself and others.
    I always provide for those I love who don't have.
    I feed the ones who need to be fed and I give the ones who need to clothed my own clothes.
    I guess I realized now that my life guidance principals are based on my feeling and emotions. They seem to just come naturally to like I should know wrong from right but I go out of my way to do the right thing.

  7. Life is a difficult journey, in no way easy. But with guiding principles you can make the best decisions. I have quite a few, but one that to me stands out the most is "Kill your enemies with kindness". High School for me hasn't always been a walk in the park. I've had people who would love to see me fail. I've gotten looks that could kill. These people just wanted me to feed into their drama and they'd be satisfied with my misery. I, However, turned the tables and caught them unexpectedly with kindness. Not only I got a good laugh out of it, but the looks on their faces were priceless. Why stress over what other people have to say? Which inclines to my other guided principle "Why fight to be accepted by people you dont actually want to be like?" I live by this principle daily. I refuse to blend in with the crowd. People are judgemental, and hipocrites. Why should I try to be like them? It gives me a reason to be different. With these guidelines I can become a better person.

  8. hmmm let see ... My guiding principles . I would have to say mines would be " I do what i have to do so i can do what I want to do . " I try so hard to live by this because some time point blank i get lazy and become very stuborn and say im giving up and then i may even act on it for a while .Until fear takes over. Someway shape or form this qoute come back to me.So i choose to live by it . My mom always says to me just do it so you can be over with it and you can say you did it once . You leave all experinces with experinces .

  9. throughout my life i have realized there is a couple of guided principals that yourself should always follow. everyone has there own principals. one of my principals is "treat people how you want to be treated". everyone has been taught this principal since their first days of school. although that people dont always treat people with respect. some people dont have guided principals and thats why they wont have many friends and wont be very liked. another thing ive heard throughtout my life is "money isnt everything". i dont believe in this principal because money is everything. if you have money you can get anything you want. including respect. without the last principal i follow i wouldnt ever be a happy camper. never let things put you down. be happy and live life to the fulliest. you live once so why let things hold you back. i will always do my own thing no matter what someone says. i will do what makes me happy. without principls i couldnt be happy with life.

  10. one of my beliefs that i live by is dont do what you want to do, do what your supposed to do. this to me means when your placed in a situation do the right thing not the thing you want to do. for example you find a wallet first thing in some peoples minds is to check for money and take it but your suppose to check for id and try to return it. its basicly to me whats in your heart if you have a good heart you return but if you dont have good heart well i think you know what happens.
