Monday, November 23, 2009

Tanks, Tanks!

So, yesterday, a beautiful day indeed, found me walking a trail I had never seen before with my dog, Josie, faithfully traipsing by my side. I suppose that doesn't sound particularly noteworthy, except for the fact that this trail I had never seen before exists on my property. [As a sidebar, I live on 123 acres of property, most of which consists of woods and a pretty little lake that I like to refer to as "Lake Bunj."]

So, in any case, there I am, walking with Josie when I see an opening in the woods that opens up to a trail, so immediately I want to explore it.
Which started me thinking and drawing parallels. For instance, the same thing happens when I open a notebook to a blank piece of paper--I immediately want to fill it with words, ideas, thoughts (some half-baked, some not) etc. Or when I stare out into the ocean and immediately feel the urge to sail to the ends of it to see where it stops. I am fascinated by the unknown and it is because of that fascination I became a teacher in the first place. Why? Because the unknown triggers a desire in me to KNOW, to learn. And I am so thankful for that because without it, I wouldn't be here, in room 204, typing out this blog.

And that, my pumpkin-sunshines, is what I want to focus on this week, especially in the spirit of my favorite holiday--Thanksgiving.
What are you thankful for? Now, please don't limit yourselves to the trite old cliches like "I'm thankful for my family" blah blah blah...Not that it isn't good to be thankful for your fam--of course it is. But what I want you to do here is go a little deeper. I am thankful for my desire to KNOW-for wanting to explore unknown trails, to add to the store of things I learn on a day-to-day basis. I explained why already--and I want you to do the same. It won't be enough to tell us what you are thankful for--you also need to include the WHY. Try to consider yourself--who you are, what you value and where you imagine yourself to be in the future.
Use the force.
(450-500 words/60pts)


  1. Hmm it has been awhile since I have been asked what I am thankful for. I guess I will just list them and give my reasons why. First I am thankful for my health, it is not the best around and I only had two close calls to death but I am still here so I must be doing something right. Another thing that I am thankful for is my music skills, not everyone can easily pick up an instrument and play it with good tone quality, accuracy, and lip configuration. Hmm I just do not know what else my family but that is obviously one. I cannot seem to put my finger on anything else. Uh I am thankful that I am not dead? Man only a couple hundred words I got nothing else to say.

  2. i am thankful for my health and my family am thankful for my health because if i was ill I would not be where i am today. and i am thankful for my family because with out them i would not be where i am today as well also i would not have the stuff i have today. i guess since i can not use family i would have to same i am thankful for me if i look back when i was in like 7th grade i said i was going to drop out so i can honistly say i am thankful for me. i am also thanful to seeing whats next in my life. so when it comes down to it i am thankful for everone in my life and myself as well.

  3. Its thanksgiving again and here I am getting asked this question. Usually it would be simple to answer this question but this
    time its a little harder. I am thankful for a lot of things and most of them happen to be small things. I actually care more for
    the small things rather than big. Out of everything I am most thankful for my creative and open mind. Explaining that might be a
    little hard but I think I can do it. On a daily basis from problems in my life to problems that other people run into I happen
    to view them differntly. I am more open to what happens than other people. Like I notice more things than anyone else would. When
    someone looks at the sky I look past it and wonder. When something in our lives happens I try to feel all sides of it instead of
    just what I think. My sophmore year for english I had Mr.Costal. One day he had gotton really frustrated with the whole class. It
    happened after we had a substitute the day before. Out of all the yelling he did he actually calmed down at one point and talked
    to us. He told us something I will never forget and it really opened my mind to understanding things. He said everyone blames
    things on other people but it is a known fact that 10 percent is what happens to you and 90 percent is how you react to it. I love
    that quote and I wish the whole world heard it at that exact moment. Not even just hear I wish the world understood it. As I went
    through my high school life as it comes to an end I seem to become a better person every year. I am more open to people and more
    understanding. It is really sad to me but I know that a lot of people in the world are missing that. Deep down if I had one wish
    I would wish that everyone is more open mindined about the things that happen to them and in the world.

  4. I am thankful for many things every day, I am thankful that I'm still alive. In the past I've done things and that made me realize that life isn't just about me and it took a great incident for me to realize this. I've always been put down and people always made me feel like s$$t to the point that I would thing that it would make everyone happy if I just disappeared. I never thought I had people that really cared about me and people that would cry over my death but I do and I am thankful for this because without them I wouldn't have made it this far in my life. Thank you mom, Amanda, Chris, and April. I am sorry about all the hurt I put you all through even though you probably won't see this it made me feel better just writing this. I LOVE YOU EVEN PAST LIFE.
