Monday, April 19, 2010


It has been said that teenagers poised on the precipice of adulthood have two fundamental fears: 1, the idea of change and/or 2, the possibility of making the "wrong" choice.

Now, I know that there are plenty of people who will tell me that the idea of change, especially if it includes a change of scenery from sunny Mays Landing/Mullica to just about anywhere else would be welcomed with open arms and a huge, block-lettered sign.

But, despite the "senioritis" (which has no known medical impliaction by the way) that you have all felt creeping in on you, you have to admit that, at its core, change is a scary proposition. After all, the intrinsic nature of change is that of the unknown, the unchartered, the unfamiliar and the unrevealed.

So, if you are one of the restless souls who yearns for change--what is it about it that is so appealing to you? What do you hope the changes you want to seek out, to undergo or to witness will mean for you, your future, your life? On the other hand, if you are one who double locks the door when change comes a-knockin', tell me what it is about the prospect of it that fightens you. What do you think might happen?

Now, one of Change's many dance partners is Choice. Right/wrong, smart/stupid, bad/ good..choice exists and you are confronted with the notion of it every single day. Sometimes, these are choices of epic proportions--break-up or stay together; cheat or suck it up and take a zero; confront the back-stabbing friend or let it go; get high just this once or walk away never knowing; and sometimes it can be as inconsequential as chicken patty or PB&J.

Either way, your mind has a process it undergoes when you have to make a choice. Tell me about it. Do your weigh all your options and consider possible outcomes, or do you dive in and hope the water isn't too cold? I think I am mix-metaphoring myself into a corner here--but I know you know what I mean. When you are confronted with a choice--how do you make it? Do you seek advice from anyone in particular? Rely solely on your wits? Why?

(450 words/75pts)


  1. When faced with a choice I try my best to think rational, then make my decision. Choices is life and life is a gamble. My fear is that i would make the wrong on and it will mess up my " 5 year plan '' i got going on here . I seek advice from my mom but she always tells me in the end this is your life and I am no longer a baby. I have to go my own way ,live my own life ,and make my mistakes . She tells me that no matter what decision I make she has my back but I need to make a choice first . Depending on what the question about i may be able to make the right choice for me . If im upset i will think with anger and more then likely I will put myself in a whole ,but if it’s a life changing decision then I may just panic …. No I will panic. I didn’t realize until writing this that time winding down and I’m waiting for the real world. I’m slowly being introduced to the world not as a baby or a teenager anymore, but as an adult. Being a adult is all about choices and your choices may be right to you, but wrong to someone else. So far in life I think I made some rational and irrational choices. I got by though and it has made me who I am today and who I will become in the future. I’m praying something good

  2. making the wrong choice to me isnt that bad because in order to make the right choice someone has to fail or you know mess up and make wrong choice. change is constant you have to adapt to your surroundings. many things change such as prices and jobs u just have to cope with it because it always changes also some relationships change constantly as well. the only change im afraid of is life out of school because i havent relized what i realy want to do with my life. :(

  3. Life is probably the definition for choices. A lot of people say “Go big or go home” but when confronted with this question what is one to do? You might think that you are on top of the world one moment then off the face of the earth the next. When faced with tough decisions I tend to take my time on them and see the outcomes. Think of a game of chess, you have your Pawns “Straight forward” your Rooks “Go with the flow” the Bishop “Alternation” Knights “Mistakes” Queen “Possibilities” and lastly your King “What’s right”. Playing a game of chess involves massive amounts of thinking and concentration just like life. With life you have choices; you can take your pawns out first or go with the knight and see what the outcome is. This also brings out another point that you could be thinking, “is life a game” and in retrospect it is. When you are born you can choose what you want to do with yourself. Before you can go and make the life changing decisions you must know what you are getting yourself into. That’s the real point of growing up you learn about your options and once you know what you can do you do it. Then the second part of your life is showing other what you can do and show them that they can make differences. The cycle just repeats like that until someone sees that they are doing and changes it but before they do they are put back into their place. It is not a job that is anyone proud of but they play the game just like before “Go big or Go home” well what I guess I am trying to get at is that at the end of the day you have choices and you have a life full of it so go out and use what has been given to you. Peace out.

  4. When Making choices in life I think before I make them unless its a split second choice. I do try to think of the outcomes of my choices before I make them but sometimes I let my emotions take control and I make a bad choice. Sometimes I just make choices knowing I'm taking a risk but I follow through with my choice knowing the outcome may result in consequences. I like to make choices that i want not what other people want because i like to do what I think is right for myself not what other people think is right for me. I will seek advice for some choices I make from people I am close to like my mom or my best friend are my two main supporters. I will mostly ask advice for another woman because they what to say to another woman. Life is made of choices and I tried to make all the right ones but some times what I thought was right was wrong and it has landed me where I am today. I am more mature and wise than I used to be and I think this is all because all those wrong choices I learned from them.

  5. i personly do not weigh in my opptions of choices i make a choice on my personality and who i am yes granet if i know its wrong and know that i will get in troble and there is more punisment then rewards i dont do it od if i made the mistake of a choice before i learn from my mistakes i wont make the wrong disscion. i do tend to chosse the dission that benfits me most or someone else but my finaly chosse on dission makeing is what good is comeing out of it. if a dission is wrong i think twice if i make a dission and dont see no good or bad i think to myself did i make the right dission? i count on my self for my dissions yea if i make a wrong on i cant blame anyone for the wrong but if i blame it on someone eles i wont learn anything such as life leasons.

  6. usually i go over all my options and see what the best choice is. its always best to see what your outcomes will be in the future a long time away. if you just dive in and dont check the water, you wont be able to make all the right choices. when i am confronted with a choice i usually ask a bunch of people for their options and get past knowledge to be able to make the right choice. in certain situations you just have to go on your wits or your gut feeling and most of the time it turns out alright if you make that choice.
