Monday, April 26, 2010

Personal Legacies

HH(which stands for His Holiness),the 14th Dalai Lama (and my favorite, to date) once said, "The creatures that inhabit this earth-be they human beings or animals-are here to contribute, each in its own particular way, to the beauty and prosperity of the world."

I am not sure where I heard or read that, most likely in a liturgy at Temple or any one of a thousand (hyperbole) books on HH, but I think about that particular notion quite a bit. It goes along the same lines as that age-old query, "Why am I here?" I suppose, but when I think of my contributions to the world and what I can do to be a part of the sum total of beauty and prosperity, only two things ever come to mind. One, of course, is you. Collectively.

I teach. That's something I can do because in so doing, I am afforded the opportunity to, hopefully, broaden minds and open hearts. It is my hope, that this will, in turn, allow you to do the same things with whomever is lucky enough to come in contact with you as you dance through your time on Earth. I don't know if this actually qualifies as a legacy, because that seems like a pretty bold statement, but it's really all I have.

There is that second thing, but it seems silly and I am not sure I want to talk about it and risk being mocked!

So, I ask...what do you do? What will you do? Do you believe in HH's idea about contribution? Does it make sense but seem impossible? Does it seem like a bunch of nonsense? What has been your greatest contribution so far? Don't say nothing or start wailing, "I'm only a teenager--I haven't done anything yet!" because that is a total cop-out. Think about all the people you have known, both superficially and deeply, and imagine how many more you have impacted in ways you might not even know yet. What will your legacy be? And more importantly, what do you WANT it to be?

(450-500 words/75pts)


  1. To think of the quote literally, almost reminds me of The Lion King. Mufasa took Simba out and taught him abt "the circle of life", saying basically, we all need each other...or we'll die. In a less harsh way, he was so right. As human beings and animals on earth we all need each other in one way or another to survive, thrive, and prosper.
    Many times i've asked myself "why am i here?" although more times it been "why am i STILL here?" its a conversation ive had abt a zillion different times with my mother. I think abt all the people in this world who have already lived an died during better times an think why couldnt have been so lucky? The world is such a mess right now, and here i am in the middle of it.
    Whenever this conversation comes up, my mother never gets upset with me, instead she likes to remind me that Allah has a plan for me, and i hopefully when it shows itself, i'll know. For my own sake i hope so...but i trust my mom completely.
    So even though i dont know what my ultimate contribution this world we'll be, i do have many, what i like to call "Mini-contributions" mostly dealing with my family and friends. Anyone who knows me well enough would know, (that my fallback if fashion is truly not in my future) that i have a real interest in Psychology and Psychiatry. I wanna be the next Dr.Phil and for the last 4yrs ive pretty much been Dr.Brown. Ive helped so many of my friends get through some pretty tough times, everything from problems at home, pregnancies, bf/gf troubles and dropping out. Even if I couldn't make the issue go away, even if I couldn't fix it, Ive always been a helping hand, and a human truth box because sometimes its just nice to have someone to talk to. Over the years, and especially this year Ive (on more than one occasion)tried to talk friends an even family members out of different situations that could've caused alot of harm to others or to themselves. Of course some listen, and some never learn. For example I was a big influence on my cousin because of an old friend of mine, we shared alot of the same morals and goals. One of those goals was to "keep em closed" until we were out of this place. we agreed that we liked the idea of never being talked abt in a bad light. Bottom Line: I stayed the course, she didnt, now people talk abt her like a dog. The point is, my cousin saw this just as up close as I did, and she went back and thanked me for really talking to her. My cousin and her 14yr old sister are currently baby and reputation free because I took the time to talk to them. That just might be my greatest contribution. I understand that i am not the wisest of the wise, but i also know that i would never tell anyone to do something that i wouldn't do. But if i can help someone in the best way i know how, thats what i've done, do, and will continue to do.

  2. i was just asking myself this question a couple days ago why am i here. so i told myself what will i do and i realized i will make others happy i will make people smile i will teach others that a smile is the greatest gift i have ever been givin that laughter and happiness can trump almost any sorrow well that is the case for me no matter how down i was or down someone else was a smile or a friendly conversation would at least bring them out of that hole of unhappiness thats all most people want realy is just someone to ask hi hows it going or how you feeling.

  3. Well let me start out by saying that this probably the deepest blog i have done so far. With that said, everyone knows im a producer which creates music. Thats my goal and my future, and i pray that i become successful from this which i speak of. Now you ask do i believe in HH idea of contribution? I believe that everyone on earth is here for a reason, either its to help someone from harm or doing harm, to planting trees, etc. I have made a few contributions to peoples lives through out my years on this wonderful planet. I donated clothes, to talking to people being that ear or shoulder to cry on. To me it all makes sense. I mean when your in a situation ans someone just comes in your life, help you out the situation and then leave you is enough proof to me. Even though im still young i have alot of years left on this planet God willing . I believe my legacy will be the person who was there when you needed them the most. The person who you could trust and was going to be a ear when you needed to talking, with him not judging you. Thats what i want my legacy to be.

  4. However I am only a student. Being a student still gives me the chance to help people that need help. The best thing I do is give
    advive to people that need it. All my friends come to me about problems they have or something they want to know. Whether it is
    problems at home or relationship problems I know most things to say to them and I am very glad I am here to help them and others.
    My job will be a filmer it is not much of a help to other people but still I can do what I do now with advice as long as people
    still come to me for advice. Yes I do believe in what HH is saying. It sounds correct but I think he just doesnt mention the bad
    things that humans or creatures will do. Yes we have all brought good to the world but we have also done some pretty bad things
    to the world also. Like global warming and in my eyes the world basis their life on money and that is the worst thing that we
    forward to. Everything depends on money and we will never be as one as long as their is money in the world. We all have greed and
    it is destroying the world. The biggest thing I have done is to get one of friends not to commit suicide. She has it really bad
    at home. I wont tell you the reasons why because I dont feel comfortable saying it. Anyway she had notes and everything and
    actually told someone and I found out. when I did I went to talk to her right away and we had a long conversation. She promised
    me she wouldnt do it and I noticed she had been happier when I was around her. My legacy will be the person that is willing to
    help people in need. Wheather it is finances or problems and that is all I could wish for.

  5. i do my part as much as i can i try not to hurt the plant and others and i do belive in HH but i always am thinking of other whys to contribut but its hard in this centry there is a lot of polution and other things and also i always ask my self what is what? am i hear for a reson like everone what is our perpose it cant be just to live life and die theres something eles which we may never know but theres something. i try to contribute to the most i can i do slack off at times but i feel we need to due our put i think right know we all should be foucused on being green and helping the plant because its our biggest problem as of right know we have to change and i feel i have alredy. i want my leagcy to be a big contributor to the plant i want to help it and be remembered for it because thats what legacy is being remembered so others will follow.

  6. everywhere i put plant i ment planet* sorry

  7. yea everyone says that have a meaning for being on the earth but really there isnt a reason? we just keep growing and growing and soonier or later we are gonna be over populated [i think it already is. i mean i will put my contribution in as much as possible but their is only so much you can do. now everyday the earth gets worse and worse. HHs idea is good but is nonsense and doesnt happen much. the most contribution i did was did over 100 hours community servive and we adopted the road i live on. i think my legacy will be the one who is the most trust worthy to me
