Monday, May 10, 2010

Find Your Center

From time to time, when tensions are high or I can sense an imminent, pervading uneasy energy, I do a little meditative exercise. Usually, it is a visualization or relaxation ritual; something easy to refocus my mind.

As exam time draws near, I will begin to show you what I do, and also some more advanced techniques for meditation and you can use it however you see fit.

So, in preparation for that, this week's blog will have you contemplating your "happy place" either real or metaphorical or imaginary. Please answer each of the following questions, using detailed, descriptive imagery-laden diction.

Where do you like to go to escape from the pressures of your life? (It doesn't have to be a real place). Why THAT place?

What is your best childhood memory? Describe it in detail.

Where and when do you feel your absolute best? Why?

What is the most soothing sound you can imagine?

Which colors affect your mood the most? How do those colors affect it?

When during the day do you feel the most at ease? Why? What is it about that time of day that provides comfort?

(60pts-400 words)


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  2. To escape the pressures in my life I want to get an island where it’s not cold it’s not hot but it’s in the middle a comfortable weather. I want it to go to an island because you’re free and your mind is free from all your troubles or stress you have going on.
    My best childhood memory was when I went to sesame place for the first time , you want to know why….because I got lost and I didn’t have to worry about my mom telling me to wait to get on a ride because I was free and by myself. Eventually I became scared and wondered did anyone love me because no one wasn’t looking for me but in all actuality they were I was just having so much fun by myself that I didn’t here it.
    The most soothing sound to me is r&b music because it takes me to another place when my mind is in the gutter. I never really listen to the words when I’m just laying down just the soft beat makes me fall asleep.
    Dark colors show that I’m not in a good mood and I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Bright colors show that I’m energetic and I’m going to have a good day no matter whose getting on my nerves. Prime colors show that I’m having an okay day it depends on the right person to screw it up or the right person to make me smile all day.
    After three I feel the most eased because it’s after school I don’t have to be around people I can go in my room and concentrate. I’m not a people person anytime of the day that I can be alone I’m eased and happy. But after school is the best times for me because I take peaceful naps and wake up with a better attitude.

  3. Well it has been awhile but I think the place I escape to is my mind. I do imagine a room with 3 people there and I believe that they are my guide through tough times that I have faced. The first person is human and she is my healer, (someone who calms me down and fixes what is broken) the other one is my motivator helps solve my problems and makes it clearer to understand. The last person is not really a person but a pet that helps with my overall status of my well being. As I stated in the previous blog that my memory is just still frames, nothing motion or good sound quality. Also out of all my memories (lack thereof being) none really stand out to me, none of them seem to tell a story. They say a picture is worth a thousand words but for me it’s “What’s this?” The best is when I feel like there is nothing to worry about. When is a different story, what with job searching, projects, school, relationships, the time for me to feel at ease rarely comes. I know that I have a lot to do before I can feel relaxed again but for now im just trying to stay above water. The most soothing sound to me is the sound of a bass any type whether it’s a tuba to a string I thing the low vibrations of a bass just mellow me out. I have the same standards for colors as everyone else, red-anger blue-chill green-??? But the colors in between set a different tone. Take the darker and lighter version of red, darker shows hatred but at the same time you can think of it as love. It all depends on the person and how the default was brought to place. The time that I can escape everything is 2-3 hours after I fallen asleep then the dreams is a whole nother story.

  4. the place i escape too is looking up at the sky day or night its always there and i feel its so big and i can focus on my self and not any other stuff that distrcts me or is i am in a bad mood i look up and my mind wounders away from the bad to logical and i use that to contimplate my life. my best child hood memory is when i went on family trips like this one time me and my family went to wildwood like it was fun and enjoyable but i havent been there for like 7 years but i remember thinking how big the waves were but i always thought to my self that it would end and even that it did end i think thats what made it one of the best childhood memories for me. i feel my ablosut best in the summer in the bay because i feel free and i clear my mind and enjoy myself because i have no reason too worry about anything in my life when i am out there. the most smoothing sound i can inmagin is on a hot summer day the hard rain that sticks around for about 3 minutes then its gone. i would have to say red because it brings my to a cool state of mind, blue cause it relives me of any mental pain i have, and black because it shows me when i have it all it can be takeing right away so enjoy it but dont get attached too it. i would have too say around 1:00 p.m. not as a school day but on my own because i feel the day is still youn but theres only about 6 hours till dark i just feel like im in the middle and i still have alot of time to enjoy myself before night time which i dont enjoy at at i hate sleeping i feel its a waste of time and when i do go to sleep i wake up tired but always at one o'clock i am awake and liveing my day out.

  5. My happy place is my room Its there i can be "free" . I can say ,do, and feel ( not saying i dont anyway) type of way i feel ! i can even sleep ! my room is my safe haven thats something that cant be takin from me its my security box . Favorite childhood memory would have to be weekends in florida .Every weekend i would spend it in Disney World EVERYWEEKEND . Its my favorite because i got to me the princesses and everything in the real world didnt matter .I feel my best when Im on the court (volleyball) i feel thats my place of belonging ,there is no better feeling to then playing volleyball and winning .When it rains and im home I am calm . It is so soothing too me to the point where it will put me to sleep . When it rains its also my thinking time i figured out evey rain drop that falls make its own unique sound ... Its like a snow flake .. its diffrent . I come to the realiztion that the color yellow makes me happy and any other color i really dont have a feeling towards i think im attracted to yellow because yellow is bright like the sun . When i see the sun im greatful cause i didnt have to see it today . The day iam most at ease is around 6 o'clock P.M I always just liked the time .. I think is because the sun look pretty to me at that time .

  6. i like to escape in the world of my video games because almost anything can happen and some are puzzling and challenging. my best childhood memory is fishing with my grandfather as he would say lets go catch dinner and we just go out to the docks with my uncles and talk shit and fish damn those were good times.the most soothing sound to me is rushing water like a waterfall or rainfall the sound just calms anything i feel and just makes me so happy as if all the sorrow all the pain all the hate just disappears. the color that affects my mood the most is red blue and green. red is what i see when im angry or hyped up with energy. blue is what i see when im calm and relaxed and with loved ones. green is my mellow color just no feeling when i see green. lastly the times of day when i feel most at ease is at night and any time it rains because at night the stars come out and fill the sky with beauty, and like i said earlier in this writing what the rain does for me

  7. To escape life I go to cloud nine its a great place I go when life gets to stressful. I can spin and no one cares. I can see pretty colors that no one else can. Its the best place to be when I want to go to a happy place its the only happy place I know. My best childhood memory is when I went swimming at my friends house for the first time in an in ground pool and I was trusted by my mother for the first time. I feel absolutely best when me and my mom are getting along and when my boyfriend is around to support me. I feel best at this time because I got the two most important people with me. The most soothing sound to me is the ocean because it is peaceful and beautiful. The color blue makes me sad because it reminds me of rain. The best time of the day I feel at ease is when I am at home in my bed at night because the day is over and I can get some sleep.

  8. I escape to my own world of funniness. This place is the best place ever and I love it everytime I get the chance to go there.
    It is a place where everything I think is funny comes to me and it is all I think about. From things I see on a daily basis to
    things I've seen on television everything is hilarious. Sometimes it is not always funny I think of my life being the best, and
    sometimes its the conversation I have with god. Its like he is my friend and we talk about problems to the things I think is funny.
    I choose this place because it is comfortable and everyone loves to laugh so it is the perfect place to laugh and have a great
    conversation.My best child hood memory has to be when I started to hang out with my brother. I always looked up to my brother
    and he the strongest man I have ever known. Like he just had a baby on April 24th and the baby ended up dying. sure he was sad
    I talked to him last night and for sure he has gotten through it. Maybe not all the way because I know the pain is there but
    he knows how to keep his head up high.Anyway it was just a normal day and him and some of his friends were hanging out ready
    to go to the movies and I wanted to go and he said yes. Nothing spectacular happened but I was just so happy to hang out with
    him.I feel my absolute best when I am walking down the beach. The scenery just takes my mind away from everything. I just turn
    happy all of a sudden and it also helps me get to the place in my head that I always love to visit. The most soothing sound
    is the waves on the beach. It feels like it is washing the pain away and everyone wants to be painless.Colors do not affect
    my mood because I like all colors. It really doesnt have an affect on me. I feel the most at ease when I am laying down after
    school. I know I am about to go to sleep and I feel that when I sleep I am detaching myself from the world and its problems.
    I hate being apart of other peoples problems and sometimes my own so sleep gets me away from everything.

  9. escape the pressures of life, i go to the one place thats always mine no matter what; my bed.
    My family moves a lot. Although i currently have my own room, depending on where we live im not always so lucky. But my i never have to share my bed and when your talking about a real "home-body" like myself, thats wat really counts. Its the only place in this world i can go to an forget all my problems, needless to say i sleep a lot.

    My best childhood memory would be from when my mom was still married to my baby sisters dad, but before my sister was actually born, or even thought abt. Back then we had "family night". Every thursday my whole family went out to eat an they always let me pick, so we almost lived at olive garden. It was freakin great, an sometimes i even got to bring a friend or two. That was honestly one of the last times i really felt like a kid.

    It may sound a lil superficial but i honestly feel my best when im dressed up, hair an face made up. I always feel good abt myself wen i know im well put together. I guess i figure that even though i suck at life, at least i look good doing it. While other people where freaking out during SAT's, i was reapplying my favorite lip gloss in between sections. fabulous.

    The most soothing sound i can imagine would really be silence. As crazy as it sounds, theres already enough noise in my head to keep me entertained. its never quiet in there, so to get a lil silence would be heavenly.

    I dont really think colors affect me too much though. Dealing with makeup, im a big fan of color, but i know wearing bright colors does uplift my spirits at times, and other times does nothing. The only thing i thought of when i read the question was when cute guys where red; yea that always gets my attention.

    The time of day that puts me at ease would be wen i finally come back home from school. Its comforting because if im home, that means i made it through another day. I just try not to think about the fact that i'll soon have to leave again in what always just feels like a few hours.

  10. Well the one place I can go to I would have to say is the beach at anytime. I love the beach just the smell of the ocean I get so relaxed. The feeling of the sand in between my toes. The sound of the waves splashing is incrediable. I didn't have a great childhood my parents weren't there for me or my brother a lot so I was always with my aunt and she wasn't the greatest parent either. The times I remember I had the greatest time of my life is when my family would go on vacations. They were the best we always had a blast. We would always go some where were it was tropical and we would always go to the beach. The water would be so clear you can see your feet at the bottom and the fish going in between your legs. I will never forget those times everyones was so happy in my family. I feel the best when I'm on the beach in my bikini catching that sun rays. the best soothing sound is the waves of the ocean. Colors that make me happy are tropical colors because they remind me of the beach and the ocean. So those colors calm me down, but dark colors make me feel depressed onless I'm going to go to a club or hang out with my friends and I know I'm going to have a good time that night then dark colors don't make me depressed I'd rather wear dark colors because I sweat a lot but I'm not going to get into that. The best time I feel at ease is around 8 or 9 o'clock and I'm getting ready to go hang out with my friends or something and I'm going to be out all night having a good time living my life up. I wait all day for that time to come because I know I'm going to have fun I'm going to be happy.

  11. whenever ever i have a lot of pressure in my life i try to get away as far awa from it as i can. which i usually end up takin a golfcart ride thru the woods. whenever i take rides it calms me down and make me not worry about things. my best childhood memory was when i was 5 years old and i followed my dog into the woods and got lost. my parents had to call the cops to find me and didnt find me for 4 hours. there is only one place i feel m best at and its when i am in my own bed after a long night. nothing better than that. the most soothing sound to me in listening to pink floyd. colors dont affect how my mood is. it kinda depends on if i am tired or not. once again i feel most at ease when i am layin in my own bed at night time.

  12. to escape from the pressures of life i like to just go in my car and drive. the reason why is im free no one to tell me what to do no one to piss me off just me in my little space by myself to just chill and thinkl about things sometimes its nice to get away from everything.
    i dont yet have a best childhood memory because im still a child and i havent had anything to crazy to explain to tell you its my best.
    i feel my absolute best when im with my friends because they never talk down to you they all are just funny and just the realest people to be around. theres never a dull moment and thats how i want to live life with no dull moments.
    awh man this is a good question the most soothing sound i can think of is the sound of a water fall. the reason why is because can you just imagine the beautiful sight of a water fall in the jungle with nothin but you and the sound of the water and a nice breeze blowing threw the trees on a beautiful summer day. theres nothing that sounds better to me then that.
    well a color that affects my mood is that damn highlighter green that everyone is starting to wear. the reason why is they think its cool because everyone is noticing them when all it does is hurt my eyes and make me angry but other then that i like all colors.
    i feel most at ease during the night right before bed i have nothing to look forward to except my pillow and my dream and that sound great cause what ever pressure you have on you from the day is gone and you dont have to worry about anything except the movie your going to put in to fall asleep to lol
