Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Senior Moment...

The countdown has begun. Two weeks til your finals and then...your future awaits.


Well, before we move forward, let's look back. What was your favorite moment of each of your 4 years here at the Oak?

Simple, direct and honest. Everything a blog post should be!


  1. well the four years at the oak have been very memerable for me but too sum them all up is hard well first of all freshmen year showed me that i cant slack off because ill get left behind and that shows me alot of who i am now. sophmore year i was tought to have fun in school but keep my grades up even thow i got picked up like 3 times a week and had english and history at the end of the day but i still kept my grades up.junior year everything was perfect i got my liesense and school was like cake i had english first period and history in the morning so i was focused so much. senior year hands down best year ever made alot of friends and most of all english class helped me out as a person. thats about it the past 4 years were very memorable and enjoyable but everything has its bumps and i rode over them.

  2. My favorite thing about freshmen year was that I got to meet all new people some good and some bad. I meet my boy friend now and the moment I set eyes on him I knew I would one day be with him. I learned a lot from all the people I meet. The best thing I guess my freshmen year was that I met Chris.
    My sophomore year I meet the one who will not be spoken of and I guess that was a good thing because I learned about drugs and sex and all that stuff early on then later. He gave me a early life lesson.
    My junior year the best thing happened the one we don't speak of was out of my life and that was great. I gained my relationship back with my mom and started going out with Chris.I also went to votec which was way better than Oakcrest. My life took a turn for the better that year.
    My senior year I learned how to be more responsible. and I got a job over the summer that took over my life and made me stay out of trouble. I grew up a lot since the years past and the best thing that happened this year is that I learned how important family is and that you need to work hard for everything because nothing is ever handed to you. This year me and moms relationship was completely back on track and were really close now. Chris helped me through this year by supporting me with school and through my family problems.

  3. Well freshmen year was probably my second best year. so much happened, i met so many people and had some great friends, but in the process i lost some. Freshmen was great i had so many good times. Parties and just bugging out because i wasnt as serious. Sophmore year came around things became a little more tense. I didnt party as much and i started to shake off some of that immaturity, dont get me wrong i was still a play fein but not as much. Thats the year i met my ex. and that year ended off with me going out with her nothing to special happened that year. Junior year was more nitty gritty, we had HSPA and i want to be the first out ma family to graduate so i put my head the books and did a little studing. I also got my permit and license now i was legal to be behind a wheel. I was still with my ex junior year. Now SENIOR YEAR!!!!! What i was dreaming since i was a little freshmen. First off i met the best i have ever had Ms Bunje, on the first day of school when she said my whole government name i said to my self im going to love this class. I started partying again and just having a ball. When I turned 18 nobody could me nothing. Now that its towards the end of the year my focus now zooms in on the diploma and college. But i may hate oakcrest but im going to miss it. Well thats pretty much it

  4. Freshmen year was probably the best year for me. i was in the same school as my older brother/best friend again and i was meeting a lot of new people. I felt like a "big girl" until i met a senior or a junior, they made sure you didnt feel special. other than that my freshmen year was the best. there wasnt a lot of work not a lot of responsibility. ssince we were freshmen no one really expected anything from us. All i did all day was follow my brother around and make sure i didnt get lost. Freshmen year was the best.

  5. Someone pinch me I must be dreaming. I guess I never thought the day would come so fast. I remember arriving as a freshman and hearing 2010 was like light years away. 9th grade had to be the best of my four years hands down. I met my first love and quickly lost it. I guess everything happens for a reason, but the fact that I got to experience such a wonderful feeling is better than being ignorant to what love has to offer. Besides the rumors and my name being the talk of the football team, freshman year was a step towards maturity and growth. Sophomore year I was more of an independent person, I was now single and liked to be on my own thing. I wasn't really focused on school work like I wish I'd been. Nothing really spectacular happened 10th grade. However, come junior year is when things turned for the better. I met the greatest man alive my sophmore summer, unaware that he was going to be in Oakcrest for that year. We clicked right away. Soon it went from being friends at school to hanging out 24/7. No it was nothing more than friends, he wasn't interested in girls. He came into my life right when I felt alone, and we've been best friends ever since. Senior year, the big one. Although it's not yet over i've came a long way from failing through high school to getting on the merit roll all year. My bad habits were over, and my maturity level is at its highest. I now have a job for a couple of months at a Wine Bar. I live with my mother, the days I decide to come home. I'm in the United States Air Force. I recieved my license recently and working towards buying a car. I'm 18 with a good head on my shoulders even though sometimes I don't use it. Senior year is the year every one does foolish things and I wasn't left behind on that one. I know everything has a consequence and I did make mistakes but I learned in the long run. I met the fakest people in these halls, and real ones I can count on one hand. I learned more social life skills, than educational. High school was once my get away from problems at home, but it has its problems all on its own. There were days I couldn't keep a smile plastered on my face. I'm grateful for everyone who's given me advice and put me in the right direction because as independent as I am, a lending hand is always needed. I've had the time of my life through it all, now time to make some last memories.

    Shout out - Tim Williams. -he made me do this.

  6. freshman year having loads of friends and not a care in the world
    sophmore year noticing all my friends dropping out and relizing i couldnt be like them
    junior year hehe jumping off school roof
    senioor year hmmmmm senior hasnt been good but i started taking acting classes so thats pretty fun

  7. Freshman year- The best year i ever had.
    Everything was fresh an new, i had just moved to mayslanding so i didnt kno anyone at school but i was cool with that. Then the year started and i made A TON of friends (i dont have nearly as many now)and met my best friend, had 2 boyfriends within that year. I also believe this my "smarty pants" year, i was very much into my grade back then, mostly under the influence of my best friend, i never been a book worm, but she never let me fall behind. The year of course wasnt always that great, there were plenty of fights, heart break an dissapoint too, but i wudnt change a thing.

    Sophomore year- my worst year, full of death and disappointment and honestly i can remember anything good happening that year. But i will say that i learned a lil abt friendship that year, and i liked that i had friends like Nieyma keeping in touch with me wen i was in eht.

    Junior year- I came back here an felt like id been cheated out of all the memories my friends had without me the year before. This was also the last time i did a full year of cheerleading with my girl Paola, we both hated it, but we had so much fun, hating it together.

    Senior year- The quickest, and most dreadful year ever. But i have to say i did enjoy fall season, parties and football games! I remember thinking an feeling like this year would be perfect back then. I was entirely too optimistic abt what the year would bring. Although i was wrong, it was still nice to dream...

  8. Well lets start with my freshman year. It was a new beginning for me. I moved and went to oakcrest in the 4th quarter. My favorite
    moment has to be the last day of school. That day it seemed like I would enjoy the rest of my high school life. I met some very
    good friends that I am still friends with. I just felt great that day and will never forget it. Its not really what happened but
    the way I felt is what made it so special. Now my sophmore year was another regular school year. Nothing really happened my
    sophmore year. I never did anything until this year at Oakcrest so its kinda hard for me.Now my junior year is where everything
    starts. This year there wasn't anything that truly happened that I would remember but just hanging out with everyone and going
    to school activities with my friends were the best. I had people around me that really cared about me and loved things that I
    loved to do. Although that graduation really hit me. While I was there all I could think of was I am next. It would be the last
    time I would be the one watching kids walk and I would be the one to walk. Now Senior year that is something special. My best
    moment has to be signing up for the military. I have now realized I have sealed my future. I know my plans for what happens
    when I get out of school. Knowing that I have the heart to suceed, the right people around me, and a job that will help me
    throughout my life makes me the happiest man alive. Those are my best moments and I wouldnt change it if I could.

  9. Well, well, well my senior year and its coming to a close. All I can say is that I am happy for this moment as well as scared. Happy on a few occasions but scared on many. First I would like to address the fact that my memory is not going to recall all events but I will do my best. With that out of the way now let’s get started with my freshman year. Ah freshmen year, the big step into ninth grade and what a year that was. I had a whole bunch of my friends from Buena middle school and I was living the life. Gym we played real games like DODGEBALL with REAL regulation balls (ha) and another game called speed ball. Speed ball is a game where the gym is divided down by the middle, not like Oakcrest and there could be up to thirty people on a court at one time. You had your defender, your offenders, and what I called the “pawns.” Only pawns can score but if they had the ball they can only take three steps with it before passing. Offenders stood between the pawns and the defenders. There range was limited but they can still move a distance and switch spots. Their job was to block the ball and assist the team. Lastly The defenders, who were the last to stop the opposite team to score. They had a limited mobility and could only defend but without them the other team would always score. Ah now on to my sophomore year also the word sophomore is just a weird word anyway this is the year that is joined band. When I first join I was under the fact that I thought that they will teach me the instrument. I was lucky that my music Director Mr. Commander needed me and accepted me. I was put on marimbas first (Marimbas are a larger version of xylophones [Think back to kindergarten the instrument under X]) and our field show was Wizard of Oz. Our Pit captain was the wicked witch of the west, basses was tin man, guitarist was the scarecrow and the pianist was the cowardly lion. The drum major was Dorothy and me and three other people where the blue monkeys. Let is just say that our band was not the best around and I was horrible at the marimbas but after some practice I was able to become a bit more skilled in the instrument but not being able to sight read. That is when Mr. Commander saw my struggling and gave me a trumpet. Needless to type that I was unable to play it due to my armature (Lip Configuration) and that is when he gave me a tuba or sousaphone I should say. Before you know it I was overwhelmed with joy. Sadly my sophomore year came to a close as did my years at Buena. Junior year and that’s all I can really say about that. It had its ups and down but hey what doesn’t? Now my SENIOR YEAR which has been filled with lots of surprises from band to home to Florida and back. I really don’t wanna state all the things that have has happened to me so I will save it for my LAST OCCATIONAL PAPER. Peace till then.

  10. All my four years at Oakcrest I really didn't find much exciting that I wad write about but I’ll put something together. I’m not saying that I was a boring person and lived all my high school life miserable just nothing really happened fun to me at least nothing I can remember I can be mistaken.
    Freshman year the best part was actually becoming a freshman coming into high school was exciting meeting new people and seeing a lot of big people. I was a very outspoken child so seniors couldn’t bully me or lie to me because I was as mean as they were and I didn’t keep my mouth closed. I was bad and misunderstood freshman year…sorry no good memories.
    Sophomore year was my first year taking dance and I hated it because I was lazy. After awhile dance became my best class off the and we had a dance concert and the whole week we were getting ready for the concert I was nervous. When the dance concert finally came I was so happy to do it that my fair went away like I never had one when it was time for me to do my classes dance.
    Junior year I remember third period everyday in the career room me and all the seniors I had a lot of fun because we laughed and joked.
    Senior year was a struggle I had my share of fun things this year but nothing major only thing that excites me is graduation.

  11. wow to here this question is a little scary no more goofing off being a kid getting detentions failing classes.
    well freshmen year im going to have to say the best thing that happened was that i was introduced to football. i realy liked being a part of a group.
    sophmore year again was football first time actually playing for a team. i was loseing weight because football i was feeling geat6 and i had made alot of friends.
    junior year highlights of that year were that i just did what ever the hell i wanted it was fun but it lead to me having a million classes my senior year.
    senior year the greatest moment would be grduating bu thats on a to be continued notice because im not sure if im making it out of here.
