Sunday, November 8, 2009

Define This....If You Can...

Warning: You cannot respond to this blog in less than 15 minutes. Manage your time wisely, poppets.

We've been together for...what? Approximately 12 weeks or so, right? So, I think we have reached that point where we can really start to do some introspective reflection. So, although I cannot make you do this, I would like you to minimize all distractions while you think about this blog. Exercise your right to have "You" time, put away your iPods, cell phones and Wii remotes and for the sake of all that's holy--close Facebook!

Every day, you wake up, go through your morning rituals, come to school, do your thing(s), go home, go through your evening rituals and then go to bed. There are obviously some variations to this routine from time to time, and I am not trying to downplay your life in any way by making it sound mundane; that is not the idea here. What I am saying is, that through all of this, these daily activities, rituals and routines people interact with you. They talk to you, refer to you, question you, yell at you, soothe you, talk about you, defer to you or, in some cases, though hopefully not many, ignore you completely. The point is, they KNOW who you are, at least enough to do one or more of the previous things. But, when you stop to think about it, do they really know? And, more importantly, do YOU?
Beyond names, job titles or academic accomplishments, beyond labels given by yourself or by others, beyond traits and hobbies and virtues... who are you? Who are you inside? If you had to write your name, and then your definition, what would it say?(substantive response/50pts)


  1. idk what it would say. i dont know if that is a good thing or a bad thing? Does it mean im not sure of my self or does it mean im too insecure to notice or label anything possitive i have done? i think that at my age is when you most think about your identity or who "you" are. You try to fit in in order to be happy and feel secure but is it really what you want? This blog made me think about who i am and how can i change that for the better and to think twice when im about to judge someone i dont know much about.

  2. i think it would say good person and has fun but is looking for the big picture in all this. and it also would say always thinking about the future and whats to come and how ill prepare myself for it and how will i live life in my future. im in my in the world right know but on the in side im in my own world just thinking 24/7 about life and its who i am also respect alot of people cause i dont know them.

  3. So0o creepy, i have a tab on facebook right now!
    ANYWHO...defining me.
    I usually like to watch others squirm when they answer this question.

    Kristianna- Diverse, Open-mined, Humorous, Serious, loyal, a true friend to my friends.
    And Fabulous of course!

    theres probly more but that all i can think of right now. But seriously, i dont think u can really put a bow on a set of descriptions because were always changing. or at least i kno i am...

  4. To be truthful i do not know Tashad Davis is at this particular moment. But i know what my family is trying to mold him into. An intelligent young man who knows right from wrong, who can handle his own problems, who can stare adversity in the eyes, to fear no one but GOD, and just to be the best person that i can be, because when all the lights go out and i lay to rest my eyes forever people would remember me to be the person who everyone adored even my enemies. At this stage of my life thats the best answer i can give you. I know your expecting more maybe in five to six years i can write a book on it hahaha! Well thats all folks!! Siging off.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Nieyma J . Brooks is person that is trying to find herself . She has no defition right now . She just trying to surieve her teenage year along with being a senior. You see ms. Bunje, she cant really answer you question Because i dont know who i ( Nieyma) am yet . Im still looking . I can tell you what im trying be be though : A strong african american women , that turns out successful and happy . Someone who is wise and very dependable someone to look up to . Someone who can stand on her own two feet when she has nothing... Intellegent, classy ,outgoing , NEVER closed minded ,deterimed .

  7. Hmm, I have thought of this for a while.
    Even have gone online and Google search what my name means.
    The dictionary has giving my name Dennis-Dionysius is the Greek god of wine, responsible for the growth of the vines in spring and the originator of winemaking; he is equivalent to the Roman god Bacchus. also when people first hear my name the only thing that comes to their mind is Dennis the Menace. After reading this I still had no idea what my name could mean. Hmm the only thing I come up with is to make a name for myself. To go out there and have my name to be well known, for get everything about Dennis being stupid or slow or fat but just to be a great man or Denise for women. This is the only thing I can think of for the meaning behind my name and to improve upon it.

  8. Wow this is a real deep topic. This is also a topic I seem to think about all the time. Well the question do they really know who I am
    is a question I would have to say no to. They think they know and they assume alot even if they know me they still make assumptions of who I am.
    Now concernin me and who I am is a really good question. I looked at it and said it was what youve done what you look like etc. but in all reality
    its not any of those things. To this day I still cant define myself let alone anyone else. For me to define who I am inside was hard... and still is.
    The only things that pop inside my head are traits and what I do. To be honest with you I dont think I'll ever know who I am let alone everyone else.

  9. Who knows me better than anyone? Me. Although sometimes it isn’t as easy to define myself, at least not on paper. This is supposed to be the age where everyone is finding themselves. However I know who I am, and who I want to be in the long run.
    My name isn’t really common, rare to be exact. I’ve always loved it though. I guess it describes me in a way. I refuse to be normal, or to blend in with the rest of the high school humanity. It’s visible to the naked eye that I don’t dress like really anyone. And for those who have taken the time to try and figure me out, they’ve seen I’m just indescribable. I don’t like to boast, I don’t believe in being overly confident, but I can proudly say I am one of a kind. I live to make people laugh, but my plans are never to become a comedian. I’m trying to plan my future to the littlest detail so when I get out into the real world, I won’t become the nightlife partier, and the daytime bum. I’ve been through things half of kids my age will never live to see. My childhood wasn’t or isn’t the brightest. But my past has made me stronger, and I’m trying to understand the present. I don’t understand where I get these feelings to just brighten someone’s day when inside I can be completely be tearing apart, but that’s how it has always been. I’m not being fake in any way, I just can’t stand being in a bad mood and let others suffer from it. Don’t get me wrong, other people’s opinion about me isn’t worth two cents, I just don’t like taking things out on people. To sum it up I’m a young girl who’s got this big smile with my back against the world, and I’m ready for anything life throws at me because my past has made me stronger.

  10. A maturing young woman that looks at life not for her self but for other people. She will care for someone else before herself unless someone she cares about makes her care for self but she will care for them first. a good example would be if she was starving and her boyfriend was hungry he would get feed and if he makes her she will eat to. Shes careless about herself unless someone makes her care and she is easily hurt by others because she cares to much and this makes her vulnerable to people so she shuts herself in unless someone talks to her first.She only needs a few close people to make her happy to many people and she feel like she will get hurt so she sticks to her family and three close friends.
