Monday, November 16, 2009

F.alse E.vidence A.ppearing R.eal

Over the past few months, we have begun the process of trying to make sense of who we are, what we believe and what morals, values and ideas we are trying to develop. Doing this, while sometimes extremely stressful and dare I say even aggravating, is an integral part of determining our place in the world. For those of you sitting at your computers week after week, cursing me to the fiery pits of the abyss for coming up with questions that make your brains bleed, please know that the reasons above are my motivation. Now, with that said, onto this week's brain blaster!

"You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith."

First, in your own words, interpret that quote from Mary Manin Morrissey.

Now that your interpretation is finished, and again, in your own words, ones that make the most sense to you, define for me the idea of "fear." It means different things to different people; what does it mean to you?
What is your biggest fear? What keeps you awake at night?
Is whatever your fear now the same as it was when you were a sophomore, a freshmen, an eighth-grader? How has the idea of fear evolved for you? What do you notice about the evolution? From where do you think this fear comes?

How often do you stop yourself from doing something because of fear? Do you ever regret not doing what you wanted to do?
When, if ever, is fear a good thing to feel? Why?
How do you deal with it?
A lot of scary questions, I know. Do your best.
(450-500 words/60pts)


  1. There are many definitions of fear but Fear to me is when a decision is about to be made you take a second thought about the decision. I think my biggest fear is heights. I have not always had a fear of heights until I was about 10 years old. Now I am definitely afraid of heights. The one thing that keeps me up at night is will I wake up the next morning. But I have over came that fear now the only thing that keeps me up is the thought of wakening up and being more tired than before I went to sleep. Yea I always had this fear all threw my high school career but I never wanted to really conquer my fear because it is not really a big deal to me. The idea of fear has always evolved me like little fears that you do not try to think of but they always come up somehow and I just think of something else but this is the way I over come and evolved in my life. I noticed that I have to try to overcome fears that approach my life. I think my fear of heights came from just thinking about life like I can fall and die and its over so over time I just developed a fear but I just stay away from this fear because I don’t want anything bad to happen to me especial if I can prevent it. I try to never stop myself when a fear comes up but I cannot always stop the fear sometime it does get to me. I never regret anything in life because I wouldn’t be where I am today so no I do not really regret being stopped by a fear. Yes I feel a fear stops you from doing something that could hurt you but also you have to overcome some fears cause fears over time do hold you back. I deal with fears like if I know but I have doubts about the thing I have a fear about ill go for it but if I have no confidents in myself about the thing I am fearing then I won’t do it but I’ll think about it and most likely end up doing it only because there is a good reason behind it.

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  3. This is a really good quote and I believe every word is true. I believe when you fear to much what you want to accomplish gets put aside.
    Fear is a jail that can seal you away for eternity. When your locked up you cant do anything. Which is why faith should always be apart of you.
    Fear is a very complicated definition. Fear is a stronger word for scared. You can be scared of whats going to happen or what might
    happen. You can be scared of something, someone, or an event that might occur. My biggest fear is short and simple but there is a long
    chain to what will happen if I dont do this. My biggest fear is me not being sucessful. By sucessful in my eyes is being a better
    parent than my real father. Being able to provide for my family is the best thing I could ever do. I dont mean just getiing by
    like I want to make it and do some things I always wanted to. I would love to travel the world,or go to the superbowl every year.
    If I do what I have to do career wise hopefully one day I can film the superbowl. The excitement and thrill of the things that I want
    to do in life its like a miracle if I could actually do it. The one thing that keeps me up at night is something my mother told me
    one day. She was talking about all her kids to us(there is only three of us) and she said if all of us turn out to be failures she
    will turn over in her grave. She told us this because she worked her heart out to provide for us so we better so what we have to do.
    My fear was the same for junior and sophmore year but freshman and eighth grade I was just living my life going day by day not
    worrying about anything. I think the evolution of it comes from what you go through in life and what you think is important in life
    at the moment. Like as I grew I knew getting my future together now was important. I dont really understand the question where does
    the fear come. I dont really stop myself from fear very often only because daily fear comes from decisions you make everyday. I know
    right from wrong so I really dont stop myself very often. No not really I learned not to regret and learn from what you did wrong.
    I dont think fear is a good thing at all. I mean you can fear the chupacabra and you know scary things like that but everything else
    no. Well I deal with it when the time comes for me to make the decisions that will decide what will happen. If it happens to discourage
    me or make me sad I just listen to music. It could be rap, rnb, or I usually know a song that resembles my problem. Sometimes the
    song will tell me what to do. Dont ask how because I dont even know.

  4. “You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.” In my own words this means that what we want in life is right in front of us that is are our goal. The fear is a giant wall placed between you and that goal. Your faith is the crew that either tares down the wall or add to it. The more you keep your faith down the bigger the wall gets. If you help your faith by believing you can help the crew demolish the wall. In thus letting you get to your goal in life. defines fear as a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. To me fear is the feeling that we get when we come across a challenge that we cannot overcome. Not even worth attempting knowing that the result may end up in failure.
    Ms. Bunje I have a fear that I wish not to write it on this blog, but to answer the other questions. Yes I stay awake at night thinking about it. Yes it is the same fear since I was 5 years old. I try to cover it up with me being the way I am, it has work so far but eventually I will have to come to face with it again. Evolution is a
    way to adapt to what we have been coving all this time. To me fear comes from real life experiences; these are what make you think about it throughout your life. Not movies there idea of fear is a dark room and a loud noise every once in a while. Now that I think about it not very, only when my life is endangered is a temporary fear that can be overcome when challenged. Every waking moment of my life, I wish I could have been in a different spot at that time but what is done is done. Fear can be a good thing during certain times. A time fear can be good is when if someone is a bad mood about their relationship, having some fear could get their mind off of those problems. My way of dealing with fear is laughter but at times it does not work, you cannot hide what is eating you inside forever.

  5. The quote to me means that the more you run away from things you fear rather than stand up and fight for it hurts the things you pursue in life.

    To me fear is to take risks. For example I used to be petrified of heights, but because I overwhelmed with that fear I wanted to overcome it by getting on roller coasters. My biggest fear before and now has changed dramatically. Before I always thought parents were like superheroes like superman could never die but had one weakness there children. But when my father passed on and two years after that my step-dad passed on, losing my mother became the greatest fear. Little stuff like heights and needles were things in the past.

    Since 7th grade my fear has been the same since. Some nights I sleep ok and then there nights when I dream about my step fathers unsolved murder and how in the dream I’m there at the scene and I can see the two shooters and they turn to look at me but when one of their faces leaves the shadows and comes into the light I wake up. every time I have this dream the same things happens over and over.

    My fear is from losing the two male figures in my life that’s the source of this fear but it’s a fear I can not come to terms with because at any moment I can lose my mother. I do not stop my self from doing anything because everything I do is for my family to support them and to take some weight of my moms.

    I believe this sort of a good fear but the situation of how I got this fear and what im fearing is bad. What I mean is because of this fear im steering my self in the right direction to make a better me. Even when my fear comes to pass I would have already made my self breakdown proof. Meaning I would be prepared for the worst to come and that I wont go into the gutter and destroy my life

  6. I try very hard not to let my fears show. I have away about me when i try to run away from my problem ( fears ) they becom interwind with my daily life so then i just deal and go . I try not to regret anything i really do in life .... I just take it as a well lessoned learned and try to move forward ( not always the case) . I always think about " what if " i would have done it this way or the other but it never really chnages anything i say or do . There is never a time to fear anything you should just live and let live you can fight fear . Its a fear cause you made it that way .. Im a firm believer of mind over matter .

  7. Fear to me is a weakness because when you show fear people seem to disrespect you which is why I just learned to not care about anything life seems easier this way. The only thing that would keep me up is if I know someone that is close to me is planning on doing something stupid or I have a pit feeling something is going to happen. When I was younger I was more fearful of things but now I only fear for others well being. I thing this is a good thing because when I get these feelings there almost all the time true and that's when I'll call the person and if they seem not like themselves and they live close I'll sneak out to make sure they don't do anything they will regret.
